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Omaha Steaks

Omaha Steaks was looking for a new way to introduce consumers to their wide range of products by using social media as their method of engagement.


30% decrease in CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) compared to other products and channels

Customers skewed heavily towards the 30-40 year old demographic


Utilizing Omaha Steaks 1st party data appended with additional consumer information we isolated an issue — over 80% of their customers were over the age of 60.

We developed a strategy that creating an entry-level product could engage a much younger audience.

A first-time marketing strategy needed to accompany the product. Social media was of clear interest to the brand. We developed content around the idea of poking fun at the idea of crowdfunding — authenticity in branding — and entrepreneurship.

The end result was a new product for the younger generation — an entry into the brand — and an unparallel personability to America’s Original Butcher.